"A play about Asperger's Syndrome and the way it affects daily life."
Asperger’s Syndrome and high-functioning autism are tightly woven in the fabric of Encore Studio. Several of our very talented actors find themselves within “the spectrum” of autism, as does… the playwright. In many ways, it has been my “real life.” It affects my immediate family, as I have two daughters, one brother, and several nieces and nephews who are either diagnosed or have strong traits of high-functioning autism. As for the rest of my family, well… we seem to just have miscellaneous “traits.” Since it is so much a part of my life, I have wanted to write about it for a very long time. And so… I did. Real Life doesn’t seek to answer all questions. What we do offer is a view into a world most people never see, portrayed by people who have experienced what it means to be part of this “spectrum.” The play explores the dichotomy many people with Asperger’s experience; that is, a combination of intellectual genius and significant social awkwardness. Real Life illustrates a complicated existence that is often difficult, sometimes comical, and always interesting.
KelsyAnne Schoenhaar
Moritz Burnard, Cara E. Peterson, KelsyAnne Schoenhaar