Acts to Grind III
September 10-18, 2010

" “Acts to Grind III,” a collection of original vignettes written by Schoenhaar and Program Director Wendy Prosise, runs Sept. 10-18 and will be the inaugural play at the newly renovated Mary Dupont Wahlers Theatre located at Encore Studio."

A collection of new original works (with the exception of two scenes from past seasons): "Revelations," a Convent of Discovery – Sister Jen, wrestling with her vocational decision, gets help from Sister Dawn and Sister Josephine, who share some compelling secrets of their own. "A New Election" - Four Intermezzo scenes – What qualifies someone to be a good candidate for congress? And … how does the American public react to a candidate with a new perspective? From "To Love or Not To Love" the frank scene "Music is Better than Sex" – Diva, Cynthia, conveys that there are things in life that are important to some and not as important to others. “Chill the Hell Out” - How do you relax when you have people yelling and chasing each other around instead of confronting the problem at hand? And finally, a short by Wendy Prosise: “A Small Mall, After All” is a farce exploring the negative side of always being "connected."


Wendy Prosise and KelsyAnne Schoenhaar


Sarah Luedtke, Jessica Jane Witham and KelsyAnne Schoenhaar